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Award Winning PPC Service

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What is Content Decay?

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Fun mugs

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Google Is Introducing A New Search Function In Europe

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Understanding Google Cookie Consent and Tracking

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A Year in SEO: 2023

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Merry Christmas From Essential Marketer

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Congratulations George, Apprentice of the Month!

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Halloween 2023

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Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023

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Essential Marketer Kayaking Day 2023

Mastering Threads: How to Leverage the New Social Media Platform for Brand Growth

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The Future of Technology

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Goodbye, Tom!

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Join One Of Our Webinars

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SEO Insights Webinar

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Charity Ad Grants Webinar

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Rise of the AI…

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All About AI Writing Technology

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The Rising Popularity of AI Content Generators

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Merry Christmas From Essential

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Reasons Your Website May Have a High Bounce Rate

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Google Webmaster Guidelines has been replaced with Google Search Essentials

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Google Replaces Homepage Title With Site Name

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Macmillan Coffee Morning 2022

The Rise of TikTok Ads

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Debunking the Biggest SEO Myths

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Meet Our Office Dogs

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Team Bowling

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Essential Stuff: On-Page SEO

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Essential Stuff: SEO & Website Migration

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Essential Stuff: Site Speed

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Merry Christmas From Essential

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Essential Stuff: Content

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Essential Stuff: Backlinks

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Essential Stuff: Keywords

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Helping you with SEO and PPC, do you have any digital marketing questions?

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Essential’s June Insights Event

Easter Social Event

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How Pay Per Click Advertising Can Benefit Your Business

2020 Zoom Office Christmas Party – In Support of Macmillan

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A Halloween Message

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Why you need marketing now more than ever

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Essential at the Midlands Business Network

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Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year!

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Family Attractions 2019

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Another Successful Insights Workshop

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New Google Search Console ( Webmasters )

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Macmillan Coffee Morning 2019

Instagram Is Hiding Likes – Why?

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The importance of location targeting in Google Ads

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Emoji Search

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West Midlands Business Expo

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Insights Event June 2019

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Joe Joe Jims

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Bing Turns Ten

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Supporting the Bobby Moore Trust

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Insights Into Your Website March 2019 – Thank You For Coming!

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Exhibiting at the Midlands Business Network Expo

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Seasons Greetings from Essential Marketer

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Rodizio Rico

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Family Attraction Expo 2018 Review

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10 Years of PPC

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Painting Upstairs

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Technology for Marketing Event

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Chrome Updates and Symantec SSL/TLS

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We Are Exhibiting At The Family Attraction Expo 2018

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Essential takes remote working to new level with Essential Grylls

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New Team Photos

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Google Announces New ‘Local Service’ Ads – What Are The Advantages?

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New Google Adwords Update – Responsive Ads With 3 Headlines

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Google My Business – How Important Is It? | Essential Marketer

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Recent hacks highlight the low priority firms place on up-to-date technology

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It’s a puzzle at The Crystal Maze

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New Website for GCL Direct

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Attending the Interstate Hotel Group’s Annual Leadership Conference

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Test Driving Client’s New Product

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SEO Contract Secured with Interstate Europe’s UK Division

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Sunrise over Birmingham

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Worlds Longest Squash Match, Barnt Green

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The Mockingbird Theatre, Digbeth

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SEO Partner for Award Winning Communications Agency

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Midland Karting, Lichfield

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Business Networking group in Birmingham in the BNI Hall of Fame

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Belbroughton Scarecrows

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Stand aside the Great British Bake Off!

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Supporters of Midlands Air Ambulance

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The Essential team rebuild website for local charity

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The Bullring’s Bull at Night

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Essential Christmas Lunch

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Raft Building with Freax Adventures

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Tablet Set to Replace Desktop?

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The National Franchise Exhibition on ‘Growing Your Own Business’

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What is the Impact of ‘Not Provided’ Keyword Data in Google Analytics?

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Advising Clients on SEO Website Redesign to Avoid SEO Catastrophe

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5 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

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Should I Invest in SEO Management Software

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Should You Apply For Social Media Jobs?

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How To Use Promotions to Gain Social Media Engagement

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5 Mobile Social Media Apps That Could Help Your Campaign

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5 Great WordPress Web Design Tutorial Videos

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How To Use Twitter For Business

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Why you should care about Google Panda and Google Penguin

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Are You Struggling to Find Affordable SEO Packages?

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The 5 Things That No SEO Expert Should Ever Do – Part 2

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5 Reasons Why Your Social Media Content Hasn’t Had The Desired Response

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The 5 Things That No SEO Experts Should Ever Do – Part 1

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Would Automated SEO Software get me lots of links?

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How to Get More Customers from Your Website

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Essential Marketer’s ‘Live’ Content Marketing Case Study

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What Makes a Top Social Media Agency

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Give Me 10 Minutes and I’ll Give You The Best Free SEO Software

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5 Great Social Media Marketing Tips

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Why should you avoid free SEO training?

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Do You Really Need to Spend Money on Social Media Training?

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Review of the Top WordPress Plugins

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3 Companies Who Rule At Social Media Branding

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How can video be used to help with SEO services?

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SEO Marketing Services is more than SEO

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Social Media & SEO…and Not Forgetting Content!

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Do local SEO services help small businesses get a better result?

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Producing 200 Articles in 50 Days

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Freelance Social Media Consultant: Do you really need to employ one?

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What are the best SEO Tools and how to use them!

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Web Design Courses Birmingham: What You Should Really Learn

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What Are The Advantages Of Google PPC Advertising Over Search Engine Optimisation?

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A Website With No Content Strategy is Like A Car with No Fuel

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Do you need an SEO Backlink Checker?

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How to Make The Most Out of Your Social Media Blog

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Beware of a set price Monthly SEO Package

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Does Your SEO Agency Have Your Best Interests at Heart?

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Do I need SEO Training to understand SEO

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Comparing Small Business SEO Services to Big Business SEO Services

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What to Think About Before Signing up With A Social Media Agency

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Do You Make These SEO Link Building Mistakes?

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How Transparent Is Your PPC Management Agency?

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SEO Services you MUST have…. and those you MUST NOT have!

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SEO Training Online: This is the ultimate approach to learning SEO!!!

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What Should You Expect From SEO Web Design Services?

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You Don’t Need To Have A Big budget To Need PPC Management

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How to Use These Social Media Platforms to Promote Your Products

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Why Guaranteed SEO Services are Impossible to Deliver

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A Summary Of The Major Google Adwords PPC Blog Posts This Year

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Are You Struggling With SEO For WordPress?

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The 5 Most Asked Questions About SEO Backlinks

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Do You Make These Web Design SEO Mistakes?

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Should you get your SEO Services from outside the UK?

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Social Media For Business: Don’t Get Left Behind

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Basics of Social Media Marketing Explained

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Which SEO Backlink Services should you avoid?

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The 10 Signs Of Great Adwords PPC Management

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Why Using Cheap SEO Services is Online Suicide!

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Why Do You Need to Use Social Media Tools to Complete Your Strategy?

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An Online Marketing Strategy Needs BIG Articles

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Why it’s Important to Have Social Media Buttons on Your Blog and Website?

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All Set to Meet Next Wave of Content Marketing with New Planning Tool

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Essential Marketer Launches New Content Marketing Service

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How to go about your SEO Web Design with a Birmingham Agency

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Importance of Website Speed for SEO

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SEO Agencies UK – How Transparent Are They?

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Top 10 failings of search engine optimisation companies

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The MUST Do’s of a Search Engine Optimisation Company

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SEO and Website Design

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Creating Backlinks To Your Site

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The Best Question To Ask Your SEO Supplier

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Google Places Listings

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Canonicalisation Problems

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