About Us

Digital Marketing… Made Trustworthy

At Essential Marketer we pride ourselves on many things – great people, great tools, great results for our clients and overall our great approach to digital marketing, but the most important of all is the trust we build with our clients leading to valued long term relationships….. a team you can truly trust

What Do We Do?

Since 2007 we’ve built a well earned reputation in Birmingham and beyond, for helping our clients to grow their businesses through online marketing; priding ourselves on developing practical and deliverable strategies using our Search & Marketing, Web & Apps, Creative, Design and Social Media solutions.

Who Do We Work For?

Since then we’ve grown in size and stature, moving with the times and constantly evolving our products and services to our clients, including building a team of specialists with an infectious passion for all things digital as well as developing and building our bespoke suite of tools and our full spectrum of digital marketing services. All delivered to our impressive client base with clients from many different sectors including universities, football clubs, premier hotel chains, insurance companies, and even an online psychic!

Where Do We Work?

We have a strong base of clients in the Birmingham area, but the majority of our clients are from further afield. For this reason we make strong use of online meetings. Sharing our screen over the internet enables clients to see, from the comfort of their office, the work we’ve carried out for them during the month, the work planned for the following month and how their results compare to their competitors.

Feedback from clients tells us time and again how much they like our monthly online review meetings – cutting out travel costs and saving precious time out of their busy day.

Who We Are

Discover the team that are focussed with providing you with the results that will grow your online business to its full potential.

Meet the team

Our History

The founder of Essential Marketer, Steve Feeney, has been involved with online marketing since Google was founded in 1999. In 2003 Steve started a finance brokerage called Essential Loans. Steve put together the whole online marketing strategy and just three years later the company had a turnover of £36 million. When the credit crunch came along in 2007 the financial lenders changed their lending criteria and stopped lending. So Essential Marketer was born and started working on online marketing for clients… the rest as they say … is history.

Our Specialist Services

Whilst we’re geared up to support the full spectrum of digital marketing, our specialisms include web design, web development, SEO and email marketing/marketing automation. All our services are supported by our online client portal which we believe is one of the best in the industry.

Don’t just take our word for it – why not try for yourself?

We’ll create an online portal for you to take a look at how your website is really performing….. it’s free so there’s nothing to lose – simply contact us here to organise a meeting!

137 Golden Cross Lane,
Catshill, Bromsgrove,
B61 0LA

Contact Us