14th May, 2013

Blogging provides a fantastic source of relevant, high quality industry related information at your finger tips. Keeping up to date on great blog sites and posts can help you source useful information that you can apply to your business. A great deal of blogging sites produce posts on a regular basis because it provides a fantastic creative outlet and allows many businesses to play around with ideas that they want to try. It also provides a fun, informative way to get your business message across. In this article I will list the top PPC blogs that I check on a regular basis and a place in which I source the latest industry trends, I have also linked to each one of these so you are able to visit these blogs and have a look around.

Google Inside Adwords

googe inside adwords blog

This is possibly the best place to start as all of the information and posts that are published to this blog are actually coming from the people of Google. Inside Adwords provides a fantastic range of news, information and tips on how to set up, run and manage a great PPC Adwords Campaign. It is updated on a regular basis and has attracted many followers from around the world who comment on the latest blog posts; this helps in terms of looking to find out what industry figures are saying about the posts and articles that the people of Google are producing. I would recommend this blog to anybody within an organisation who has been given the task of managing an Adwords campaign.

PPC Hero

ppc hero blog

PPC Hero is a fantastic blog for the more technically minded PPC advertisers out there, although it provides a great deal of informal insights, there are tons of blog posts that go up about the technical side of PPC and the ways in which you can use tools such as Microsoft Excel to decide on budget allocation, work out how many impressions you should be getting and the results from all of these. The blog is updated daily and you also have the ability to share any of the posts to your social media platforms. If you are new to the world of PPC I would ignore this blog until you have the fundamental knowledge to use some of the functions that they post about.

PPC Chat

ppc chat

PPC chat is a great blog if you wish to keep up with the latest Adwords trends.  You are able to go on this blog and view a range of different subjects focusing very much on keeping you up to date on the latest PPC industry trends and providing you with solutions to commonly asked questions. They are also very active on Twitter so following them on this is beneficial if you wish to receive and view tweets on PPC and Adwords. The different areas of the blog are focused and split up into sections called chats and chatters (people who subscribe) can post posts and replies in response to the articles that go on this blog.

Search Engine Watch

search engine watch blog

If you have ever Googled anything around search engine optimisation then I imagine you have come across Search Engine Watch, this is the one stop place for all of your SEO questions and they produce very high quality, informative posts and articles around the latest trends of SEO and how to keep Google happy when it visits your website. The same site has a section for the PPC and Adwords side of the search results.  This provides the same quality articles that you would find for the organic advice. The style of the blog is targeted to all audiences, it allows people who may not be familiar with Adwords to understand the latest trends and also puts its views across in a detailed manner ensuring that all who visit can understand and get the feel for the blog posts and the articles that they produce.

PPC Blog

ppc blog

The PPC blog does exactly what it says on the tin: provides users and followers with up to date relevant PPC information on a weekly basis.  You are able to view the blog and select what different categories are of interest to you, so you may wish to have a look at the search engine marketing section or have a look at Google Adsense, it splits all of its topics formally into sections and all of this information is at your disposal.

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