Birmingham SEO Agency, Essential Marketer, has watched the rapid growth in ‘not provided’ keyword data for their own and their clients’ analytics, and highlights other ways companies can measure their online success.
For many years a great way to measure the effectiveness of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is through analysing the keywords that were bringing the traffic to a site through Google Analytics.
This data showed the statistics behind each keyword and was often an additional way that new keywords could be identified, applied and then measured, completing a keyword cycle.
Essential Marketer Managing Director, Steve Feeney, said: “For almost two years we’ve seen a gradual decrease in the worthiness of Analytics keyword data since Google switched searches to encrypted searches using HTTPS.
“At first ‘Not Provided’ started to slowly creep into Analytics data and now it accounts for well over half the overall organic search traffic; the inability to understand where this keyword data’s origins are makes the keyword Analytics data pretty worthless to most if not all companies.”
Concerned about the impact this was having on, not only their clients, but also themselves, the team at Essential has looked at many different ways to successfully evaluate keyword data.
One approach that is proving an extremely useful tool is to look at the client’s online market share analysis for each keyword against their major competitors.
“Our clients have welcomed this approach and understand the relevance and importance of their online market share. For example, with only ten organic places on Page 1 of Google, when we get our clients from Page 2 to Page 1, there is a shift in the top ten organic positions with one of the top spots moving down to Page 2.
“By assessing the overall industry keyword trends, this gives clients so much more than their historical keyword data that Google Analytics would have provided.” Adds Steve.
Recognising the importance and relevance of this, Essential Marketer has added this level of industry/competitor monitoring to their client reporting tool to enable clients to see at a glance how their keyword is performing against key competitors in their sector from any PC, tablet or internet enabled phone.
If you are interested in finding out more about this, the Birmingham SEO team at Essential would be happy to demonstrate this tool and others to show how it helps businesses look further than the ‘Not Provided’ data in Analytics.
For more information call: 0845 508 5008 or email: