A few Ideas for creating Backlinks To Your Website
Register your own YouTube Channel And Place Links In Your Channel And Video Descriptions
YouTube videos get indexed very quickly, after all they are owned by Google remember. Many potential customers and clients like to work short videos of your products and services. So create as many as you can and upload. Always make sure that your links are in your video and in your channel descriptions.
Open A Facebook Account And Create A Fanpage
You will see that you can download this page as a PDF. If you think it is of value please share it on social media and like our Facebook page! Then, why don’t you do the same and create a valuable resource and simply ask people to share it on social media and like your Facebook page?
Post Links To Your Blog And To Others On Your Facebook Fanpage
Facebook has a viral effect. If you start posting links to your blog on your fanpage it can be liked and shared giving opportunities for the fans of your fans to link to your posts.
Create A Twitter Account And Start Tweeting
Tweet links to your valuable content on all platforms, including YouTube, your blog, Facebook and your website. Make sure you fill out your Twitter profile completely with links to your websites, YouTube and other social media accounts.
Join one of the few industries forums
Become an active member and contribute to the discussions. When you complete your profile make sure that you include a link to your own website in your signature. On some forums. This will have the effect of creating a back link on each thread that you join in on.
Ask your friends
we often ask our clients do you have any friends acquaintances or colleagues that if they asked you for a link to their website that you would say yes to? Well the reverse is probably true, there will be some friends acquaintances and colleagues that would give you a link to your website if you asked them!
The main thing is that you should be prepared… Have a paragraph of text with the link embedded in it making sure it is an anchor text based link with one of your keywords in it. When one of your friends agrees to giving you a link you just give them the preprepared paragraph of text, including the link.
It is important that the link is within the paragraph of text as this comp forms to Google’s proximity rules. i.e. Google is far more waiting to editorial type links
Submit Your Rss Feeds To Rss Feed Directories
This is an often overlooked source of back links. You probably have more RSS feeds than you realise. Most of us will have YouTube accounts, blog, podcasts, it’s amazing what you can make an RSS feed out of.
Submit these feeds to the major RSS directories and enjoy backlinks from these highly ranked sites. Check out this Rss submission software which will submit your RSS feeds to over 60 RSS feed directories quite efficiently.
Comment On Other Relevant Blogs
Find the top 10 blogs in your industry that are active and allow links in the comments. Once a month visit each blog and find a thread to comment on making sure your comment give additional value to the discussion.
If you’re comment adds value the administrator is more than likely to approve it. The reward for your efforts is another back link to your website. We would also recommend that you social bookmark the page that has your comment on.